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Aromatherapy in Perth

Flowers and essential oil for Aromathrapy PerthCertain fragrances can evoke powerful memories-a freshly mown lawn in summer, a cake baking in the oven, the first rose blooming in a garden. Used therapeutically, particular scents also have the power to positively influence our wellbeing.

A Fragrant Modality

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic application of essential oils and other aromatic compounds extracted from medicinal plants. The particular aroma (smell) of each oil-and its basic chemical components-produce different physiological and emotional reactions to help achieve physical and psychological outcomes.

A Customised, Holistic Approach

A treatment is specifically customised to each person, taking into account their specific psychological, physiological and emotional needs. Blending oils to achieve particular outcomes is both an art and a science-and the result of years of study and experience.

How Is It Given?

Essential oils are generally applied topically in a carrier oil, such as during therapeutic aromatherapy massage, or breathed in, such as in an oil diffuser. While both methods allow the body to absorb the oil, one may be more beneficial than the other according to the condition being treated or the desired outcome.

Potential Benefits of Aromatherapy

The therapeutic value of essential oils has been known for centuries in different cultures. They have a range of healing properties, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and stress relieving. Positive outcomes using this therapy have been achieved for the following:

  • Pain management
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety, stress and depression
  • Fatigue and insomnia
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Circulatory issues
  • Menstrual issues and menopause
  • Muscle and joint aches and pain
  • Alopecia
  • Skin complaints
  • Digestive issues
  • Toothache and mouth sores

An Important Note

Essential oils are natural chemical compounds with their own reason for use and can be hazardous if used inappropriately. Always follow the advice of a qualified aromatherapist.

How Much Does Aromatherapy Cost?

For more information about the fees at Pure Health and Wellness Clinic please refer to our New Clients page. You will find information about fees, health insurance claims, and more details to ensure you get the most out of your appointment with us.

Schedule a Scent-sational Session

Experience for yourself the potential benefits of customised aromatherapy. Contact Pure Health and Wellness Clinic to book a session!


Aromatherapy Bassendean, Perth WA | Pure Health and Wellness Clinic